A-E , Santalum . A-B , S. acuminatum . A , flowering branchlet (A.Sikkes, CBG 053817); B , flower with 1 tepal removed (J.Wrigley, CBG 042239). C-D , S. murrayanum . C , leaves (A.George 2843, PERTH); D , fruit with exocarp removed (R.Royce 8187, PERTH). E , S. spicatum , fruit with exocarp removed (Batt, MEL 566395). F-H , Thesium australe . F , branchlet; G , flower and leaf with 1 bracteole; H , fruit (F-H , NW of Wombargo, Vic., J.Willis, MEL).
Illustrators: Betsy-Jane Osborne.
Flora of Australia Volume 22 figure 19.