Hakea . A-E , H. newbeyana . A , habit; B , flower; C , outside of fruit; D , inside of fruit (A-D , L.Haegi 1202, AD); E , bud (R.H.Kuchel 2035, AD). F-K , H. bicornata . F , outside of fruit; G , inside of fruit (F-G , P. van der Moezel 493, PERTH); H , seed; I , side view of seed (H-I , A.E.Orchard 1102, AD); J , flower; K , ovary and gland (J-K , A.George 15853, PERTH). L-N , H. commutata . L , habit (Hj.Eichler 20353, AD); M , leaf base at point of attachment; N , fruit (M-N , N.Donner 3036, AD). O , H. strumosa , fruit (H.Demarz 4664, PERTH). P-R , H. circumalata . P , fruit; Q , seed; R , side view of seed (P-R , H.Demarz 3369, PERTH).
Illustrators: Beth Chandler.
Flora of Australia Volume 17b (1999) figure 7.