Caption: A, leaves. B, apical leaf cells. C, mid-laminal cells. D, alar region. E, perichaetial leaves. F, branch with flagelliform shoot. G, perichaetium. H, apex of perichaetial leaf. I, habit of plant bearing sporophyte. J, capsule with operculum. K, capsule showing peristome teeth. L, exothecial cells. M, peristome: endostome segment (left) and exostome tooth. N, spores (A?D, holotype; E?F, I.G.Stone 18133 MEL; I?K, I.G.Stone s.n. MEL; G, H, L?N, L.Rodway s.n. HO). Scales: 1 mm for habit, leaves, capsules, perichaetium; 50 ?m for spores; 100 ?m for cellular drawings including peristome. 59, fig. 25 (2004).
Reproduced from H.P.Ramsay, W.B.Schofield & B.C.Tan, The Journal of the Hattori Botanical Laboratory 95: 59, fig. 25 (2004).Illustrators: L. Eklan & H.P. Ramsay
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