Caption: A, habit of gametophyte. B, sporophyte with perichaetial leaves at the base. C, immature sporophyte with calyptra. D, calyptra enlarging; young sporophyte inside. E, branch leaves. F, apical leaf cells. G, mid-laminal cells. H, alar region. I, perichaetial leaf. J, exothecial cells. K, peristome: endostome segment (left), exostome tooth (right). L, side view of apex of exostome tooth; note trabeculae (A?H, R.A.Bastow HO; I, A.C.Beauglehole 14105 MEL). Scale bars: 1 mm for habit, leaves, capsules; 100 microns for cellular drawings including peristome.
Reproduced from H.P.Ramsay, W.B.Schofield & B.C.Tan, The Journal of the Hattori Botanical Laboratory 95: 39, fig. 15a?d, g, n (2004). Illustrators: L. Eklan & H.P. Ramsay
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